Journalism is the mouthpiece of the innocent and the oppressed.
Hi, my name is Anastasiia Udesiani, and I believe we can change the world for the better by giving people a voice.
The Beatles - Now and Then - Pre Release Interview
Before the last Beatles song was Released, Now and Then, I had the amazing opportunity to discuss the release with a real expert - Prof. Lauren Passarelli from The Berkeley College of Music.
Here's what we discussed.
Sovereign Internet in Russia?
This is a special report I published about the (then proposed) Sovereign Internet Law in Russia.
Today, this law is used to prevent Russians from accessing "undesirable" / western media websites such as Facebook, Instagram and others.
Andrey Lyublinsky is a contemporary artist from Saint Petersburg, who became famous for his extraordinary works: acute political monuments, protest symbols on the walls of city buildings...
What meaning does the artist put into his work, and what are his unique goals?
New Homeowners Left Homeless
There are more than 30 thousand deceived equity holders in Saint Petersburg.
People live for years waiting for their homes, suffer budget and health problems as well as the stress, all for no fault of their own.
Who is to blame for the issues of long-term construction? and how is it possible to help people get the homes they bought and money they deserve?
Robotics (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
Self-Driving Car (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
Cultural Exposition (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
The Curling Sport (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
Weekly News Example (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
Pitbull Celebration (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
Bio-Tech Innovations (Russian Only)
I mentioned this article in my portfolio video and post it here for completeness. However, please note that this video article is only in Russian (no translation available).
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I am currently traveling, but I will do my best to answer within a couple of working days.